Top fitness apps that help improve your physical health (Part 3)

  1. Calorie Counter

Calorie Counter – MyNetDiary is a great application to keep track of what you eat. The application has a huge food database that allows you to search for calories in each food. If you are in a store and wondering between two products, Calorie Counter can quickly provide you with the information you need. It also has the ability to track all your activities and upload this related information to a service like BitFit.

  1. Home Workout

If you’re new to exercise and don’t have the idea to practice, Home Workout is a great way to get started. This app has many different exercises for you to try. You can choose a practice you want. Each exercise has illustrations and a detailed description of how to practice. The best feature of Home Workout is the ability to select the body area you want to improve. Once there, you will receive a complete, complete training regime to start training with that area.

  1. Freeletics

If you want to exercise without using other equipment, you can choose Freeletics. The app provides many exercises that do not require additional tools or equipment. You can set goals in the application, including specific dates to practice. The application even has the option of “2 × 2”, providing you with exercises that can be done in the 2 × 2m area. It’s perfect for people who don’t have the space to practice.

  1. MyPlate Calorie Tracker

MyPlate Calorie Tracker is a great tool if you have a specific calorie goal. The application allows setting the maximum calorie goal that you are loaded in the day. You can use the app’s food database to measure main meals and snacks and then compare your calorie goals. The application has its own community, where you can share successful weight loss stories or snacking sadness with those who are on the same diet!